Thirty-Five Young People Signed Up For Bible Study

Andy and Chrissy Shaub minister among the Awa people of Ecuador. “Our Sundays are extra full these days, having added a Bible study after each service. Our Sunday services continue as usual, with a song service, Andy teaching a kid’s lesson, followed by splitting up into Sunday School for those under 12 years old, and Kevin [Bruce] teaching the main sermon to the teens and adults. After this, we begin the Bible study. The course Rey de Gloria (King of Glory) covers Genesis to Jesus in book form with beautiful pictures. We watch a short video for each lesson, followed by a group reading, each taking a turn to read a paragraph. And then a worksheet. We find it interesting how it is so attractive for them to study the Bible in Spanish. Since Spanish is challenging for them, we explain the lesson in their Awa language. Possibly the attraction is that it is a ‘proper’ course, as Spanish is the language of formal education. Many of these young people are not regular church attenders, yet they are coming on Sundays faithfully, even hiking through the rain. And for those that don’t make the Sunday class, they can come by during the week to do the makeup session, which gives us more one-on-one time. It’s been fun to teach interested students.” Pray that the Awa people will understand the Word, believe the truth and begin to grow.