Bible Comic Books and Audio Players

Mike and Sandy minister among the PT people of Southeast Asia Mainland (SAM). “Since returning to SAM after COVID, many things have changed in the village. While our open door in the village began to close, a new door opened to help equip the churches in the surrounding provinces. It was suggested that instead of translating the comic book series into [the PT language], that a broader audience could be reached through the [national] language. God has provided helpers in the writing and proofing and more importantly the funding. It has been amazing watching the faithfulness of God in this endeavour. After many delays and setbacks, we were finally able to complete the four-volume set of the Bible comic book series in [the national language].

“While we were in the States, we were able to purchase audio players through some generous gifts. So along with the comic book series, we also have given audio players to some of the older believers who have a difficult time reading. This has been a great way for people to listen to the Scriptures … as well as to listen to Christian songs that contain teaching along with music that is cultural.”