Encouraging Update from Lolo ministry in Mozambique

Matt and Debi Zook minister among the Lolo people of Mozambique. “Translation work goes on. Matt was very pleased with what the men were able to accomplish while we were gone. Two men did a review of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther and did a draft of Amos and some of Leviticus. Two other men finished a review of Numbers, finished drafting Job and Jeremiah and made some progress in drafting Proverbs. We are hoping to finish Isaiah 35-66 during the first half of this year [for a translation check]. Please pray that we can schedule and execute this check.

“[We are planning on] splitting the translation teams. We are hoping to have one team working in one town and one team working in another. Please pray that God will bring about the completion of the two Lolo related translations by 2030.

“[Concerning] giving oversight to the church, our theme verse is Ephesians 4:12 ‘to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.’ It appears the church has done well in our absence. Please pray for the believers to continue to be zealous for doing good works and for us as we train leaders and encourage everyone.

“We will be trying to move literacy into the church, that is, equipping the church to run the literacy program. This will take a couple of years. Please pray [for] this to happen.”