Many Come to Faith in Jesus among the Akolet in Papua New Guinea

Adam and Julie Martin minister among the Akolet people of Papua New Guinea. “The last time we wrote, there was a small group of people hearing the gospel for the first time. I’m happy to report that by the grace of God, all but one in that group has expressed faith in Christ! Pray for the new believers to be rooted and grounded in their faith. Another cool thing: we’ve been encouraged by funds being provided for the Akolet Bible teachers to be able to travel several times a year to different areas to receive training and equipping for them to better lead the Akolet church. While thankfully the funds are there, arranging travel is often very challenging. (Example: They missed the last set of meetings because they couldn’t find any boat fuel to purchase.) Please pray for smoother travel logistics in the future. Also pray for the men and their wives to be walking close to Jesus each day and to live and minister out of that closeness rather than out of their own self-effort.