Nagi Believers Are Taking Ownership for Local Outreach

Porter and Lexie Hampton minister among the Nagi people of Asia Pacific. “The ‘In-Reach’ was started as an outreach for visitor women — ladies of the families who have moved here from other villages so their kids can attend school. They regularly attend church and join in on Bible studies but haven’t heard the teaching from beginning to end.

“Joanna and Kubili have been praying about how to reach these ladies — the Lord gave them the idea to start an In-Reach! And ladies from the village who have been slower to understand and haven’t believed yet could also attend. The first day started out with a handful of women. A few days in, several of the husbands asked if they could come too.

“There are currently 20 adults (and a bunch of little kids!) faithfully attending three days a week. They started mid-January and will continue through the middle of April with a shortened version of the Creation to Christ lessons.

“Pray for their continued faithfulness and [for] the Lord [to] use their example to encourage others to be bold and share. Pray for the attendees to faithfully continue to come with the desire to understand. Pray for the believers to be engaging in conversations and talking with their unbelieving friends and family about the Lord.”