“Pray for safety as evangelists travel back and forth among these remote locations. Pray for open hearts for those who may be hearing clearly about who God is and the gospel for the first time.”
You can be involved in helping new believers stand confidently upon God’s Word by writing or illustrating books that can be easily translated into the many heart languages of Papua New Guinea.
Pray for the people that live here and the surrounding communities. They live in fear and darkness and need the hope that comes from the gospel. Pray for us to continue to adjust well to this new culture and that the Lord would make it clear where he would have us move for our ministry.
“We know it will be a very powerful tool for the ministers and that it will help illuminate darkened hearts and minds. I know that because that’s what the Holy Spirit does when people hear God’s Word.”
“Be praying for this outreach. These folks being taught are coming out of other churches who were not teaching the gospel, so there is a potential for tensions.”
“Pray for our Bible-teachers-in-training and other core, faithful families to grow and trust the Lord through life and for the children who are old enough now to [understand] the Creation to Christ teaching, that they will not just hear but believe.”
We ask for… “prayer for wisdom as we balance parenting with these big challenges in the midst of the stressors that come with being in another culture.”
“Since the outreach there were about 30 people that gave clear testimony of their faith in Christ. Five of the six Bible teachers each had at least one teenage child get saved during the outreach.”
“We continue to look for ways to interact with new people, and we find that inviting people to our home is often one of the best ways to facilitate those relationships. Pray that we would be a good example and that our lives would point them to Jesus.”
“We hope to check around 2,000 verses at that time. That is around 25% of the New Testament. Pray that we will continue to make good progress and do a good job translating the Bible into Sekadau.”
“Pray for a good consistent turnout at the Bible teaching classes and for attendees to grow and learn and bravely start sharing with others, particularly their spouses and children.”
“Although they had no money for materials nor any way to cut the lumber they would need for posts and rafters, they stepped out by faith and began grading and preparing a lot for the building.”
“Two Emberá friends of mine are asking for prayer. They both made professions of faith years ago, but they both said that they are living far from the Lord.”